
New Beginnings

Welcome to my blog.  I choose as my first topic New Beginnings.

Most of our lives are routine.  We move along at our everyday pace, making plans based on our experiences and expectations.  From time to time, events occur without regard for our regular schedule, and they often open doors to new beginnings.  The recent birth of my first granddaughter Aspasia Elizabeth “Eliza” Zoumas finds me considering such delightful bumps in the road and fresh starts.  This is why I call my inaugural blog New Beginnings.

My website and blog–new beginnings for me–were conceived just as Mother Nature launched the bright seasons of spring and summer.  Out of winter’s barren landscape, a golden explosion of forsythia and daffodils heralded longer days, sunny skies, hope and possibility.

Taking our cue from our environment, this is the perfect time to revitalize our surroundings and clear away clutter with fresh perspective.

I hope my website Galleries will inspire you to refresh your living spaces for summer’s inevitable celebrations, gatherings of friends and family, and your own new beginnings.


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